Topics This Month

  1. Brokerage Stats
  2. Production Year to Date
  3. Live Underwriting Room Stats
  4. Why Does No One Talk about Volume Bonus?
  5. TD Bank Compensation
  6. First National Compensation
  7. The Benefits of an Executive Assistant

Brokerage Stats

Agent Count

Rookies: 126

Pros: 95

Total: 221

September Production

Volume: $84,114,081

Files funded: 204

Our agent growth has stalled in the past couple of months. This was partly intentional—when I brought Denise Laframboise on as COO, she identified several operational challenges that needed to be solved if we were going to continue to scale.

As a sales guy, I believe the mantra, “Sales solves all problems.” However, it turns out that it doesn’t solve operational problems.